Friday, February 6, 2015

OV Templates

No Acute Events overnight.  Pt denies CP, SOB, ABD pain, N/V/F/C. 

Vital Signs
Temp /  HR / RR / BP / O2 Sat 
 /  /  /  /

24 hour I/O:  / 

Normal Physical Exam
GEN: NAD, Laying Comfortably in bed
HEENT: PERRLA, no jaundice
CV: rrr, no mrg, +S1, S2
PULM: CTAB, no crackles, wheezing, rales
ABD: soft, NTND, no rebound, no guarding
EXT: 2+ peripheral pulses. No edema b/l. 
SKIN: no petechiae, no rash
NEURO: A&O x 3. 

Normal Neuro Exam
CN2-12 intact b/l. EOMI. 5/5 strength in UE and LE.  Intact sensation b/l.  No dysmetria, no dysdokinesia. Neg protanator drift, neg romberg. Gait nl. 


Na / K / Cl / HCO3 / BUN / Cr < Glu 
  /  /  /  /  /  <  

Ca / Mg / Phos
 /  /

WBC > Hgb / Hct < Plts
 >  /  < 

Albumin / Tot Protein / D. Bili / T. Bili / AST / ALT < Alk Phos
 /  /  /  /  /  <


  yo M/F with PMH * presents with 

# FEN/GI: regular diet
# DVT PPX: heparin Subq
# Code Status: FULL CODE
# Dispo: Pending medical work-up
# Emergency Contact: 

Brian Truong, p0503
Plan discussed with attending physician: Dr. *