Phone Numbers/Reference

Clinic Locations
Phone Numbers

Phone Numbers

All numbers are 818-364-xxxx, in house just dial last 4 digits

e-Consult for patients to follow-up 855-521-1718

Computer Help Desk: 4522

ED Zones
ED 1 (PR1/2, 15,25) - 4324
ED 1B (16-24) - 4865
ED 2 (1-7, 14) - 4321
ED 2B (8-13) - 4280
ED 3 (39,43-49) - 4976
ED 4 (34-38, 40-42) - 4974
ED 5 (26-33) - 4970

Doc Boxes
Senior Resident Doc: 3645
Resident from Left to Right: 4720, 3645, 4732, 3907
Grey Doc: 4937
RME: 5697

UR: 4814, 4890

STAT 3476 or 4038
Bloodbank 4062
Micro: 6041
Lab Day/Night 4025/6033
Chemistry: 3476

Resp 4422
RT: 4055 (EXT 1392)

Outside Numbers
LAC/USC Operator 323-226-2622
CHLA Operator 323-660-2450
Harbor UCLA 310-222-2345
MAC: 866-940-4401
MAC Fax: 323-890-7643
Dental USC 323-226-5013

IR 5906

Overnight - 323 409-6688
Night Reads: 4971/4969
XR Read: 5145/4863
CT Body Read: 4791/6078
US Read: 3470/4543
Neuro Read: 4082/6094

Techs XR - 5496
UTZ - 5623, 4940
CT - 4968
MRI - 2065, 3535

ER Numbers
ER Main: 4320
Triage Nurse: 5658
PEDS Room: 4331
Psych ER (consults) 4341, 4340, 4343
Financial ER : 4336 or 4 337 or 4338
Transportation: 4650

Urgent Care: 4311/4312

Security 3409

Anesthesia: 4350
Appt Desk: 3184/5100
Bed Control: 5959

Central Processing: 5945/5946

A (CCP/PCC/MFU) 3125
B (Surgical/Derm): 3129/3132
C (Cardiology/ID Clinic): 3133
D (GYN): 3137
E (Ortho/Podiatry): 3676
ENT/Optho: 3538
Peds Clinic: 3141
Special Treatment Center: 6346/4340
Chemo Clinic: 3540
Neurology: 3104
Urology: 3129
Physical Therapy 4245

Continuity of Care (Home Health): 3352

County Transportation: 866-941-4401

Financial Services
ER 5094

4BN (Step Down) 4390
4BS (Step Down): 3456
4D: 4578
5A: 4400
5BN/5BS (ICU): 4414/4409
5C: 4406
5D (step down): 4403
6A (Psych) 3760
L&D: 6110/6589
Operating Room: 4364