Friday, May 29, 2015


Your child was evaluated in the Olive View-UCLA Emergency Department today for a fever. Her/His evaluation suggests that the symptoms are likely due to a viral illness. Viral illnesses should resolve on their own. 

Please alternate Tylenol and Motrin every 4-6 hours to help control fever and give plenty of fluids. 

Please follow up with your pediatrician as needed. If you do not have a Pediatrician, you can walk into the pediatric clinic on the scheduled clinic days to establish a doctor for you child.  Please call (818) 364-3141 if you have any problems finding the clinic. 

Return to the Emergency Department immediately if your child experiences persistent fevers greater than 100.4°F that cannot be controlled with Tylenol/Motrin, recurrent vomiting, lethargy, seizures, difficulty breathing, or any other concerning symptoms. 
Thank you for choosing Olive View-UCLA to receive your child's care.