Thursday, May 28, 2015

DC Allergic Reaction

You have been evaluated in the Olive View-UCLA Emergency Department today for your allergic reaction. You have been given medications including steroids, epinephrine, and benadryl to control your swelling. You have been observed in the Emergency Department and it appears that your symptoms will not return. 

Please follow up with your primary care physician as needed. If you do not have a primary doctor, you can call your insurance company to find one.  If you do not have insurance, you can look for one on this paper list or go to the finance/registration department for more assistance.

Return to the Emergency Department if you experience difficulty breathing or swallowing, recurrent vomiting, rashes, lip/mouth/tongue swelling, persistent fevers or for any other concerning symptoms. 

Thank you for choosing Olive-ViewUCLA for your care.