Thursday, May 28, 2015

DC Abscess

 I & D 
You were evaluated in the Olive View-UCLA Emergency Department for an abscess. Your abscess was incised and drained in the Emergency Department. We have inserted a loose gauze in the abscess pocket to promote drainage and applied a clean dressing over it. You will need to change the dressing every 24 hours. Please keep the areas surrounding the abscess clean and dry. Take the antibiotics prescribed to you in full as directed. 

Please follow up with your primary care physician as needed. If you do not have a primary doctor, you can call your insurance company to find one.  If you do not have insurance, you can look for one on this paper list or go to the finance/registration department for more assistance.

Return to the Emergency Department if you experience worsening pain, persistent fevers greater than 100.4, an increase in area of redness, increased tenderness/warmth around the abscess, foul smelling discharge from the abscess, or any other concerning symptoms. 
Thank you for choosing Olive View-UCLA for your care. 
No I & D 
You were evaluated in the Olive View-UCLA Emergency Department for an abscess. You should soak the area in warm water for 20-30 minutes 3-4 times daily. Contact your doctor when the abscess comes to a head and needs to be drained. Please keep the areas surrounding the abscess clean and dry. Take the antibiotics prescribed to you in full as directed. 

Please follow up with your primary care physician as needed. If you do not have a primary doctor, you can call your insurance company to find one.  If you do not have insurance, you can look for one on this paper list or go to the finance/registration department for more assistance.

Return to the Emergency Department if you experience worsening pain, persistent fevers greater than 100.4, an increase in area of redness, increased tenderness/warmth around the abscess, foul smelling discharge from the abscess, or any other concerning symptoms. 

Thank you for choosing  Olive View-UCLA for your care.